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Since the 1960's, the unique Corroless rust-stabilising pigment has been the choice of a select group of corrosion engineers worldwide for hand-prepared steelwork.
Corroless Asia Pacific (S) Pte Ltd, the top corrosion protection specialist with head office in Singapore, is the Asia Pacific Licensee for Corroless Control United Kingdom,UK ( One of the longest establish corrosion, chemical and abrasion control manufacturing companies in the world
The Corroless objective is "to provide the most effective solution to the problem of corrosion worldwide", an objective which has enabled Corroless to become a world leader in the field of corrosion control. This selection can confidently be made only when the actual area of corrosion has been identified and the requirements have been clearly established.
The systematic approach provided by Corroless is a effective corrosion control system that can be applied over a period of time.