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Case Study - Bridges
(Komune Resort Bali - Gianyar Bali, Indonesia)
Client : Komune Resort Bali
Location : Gianyar Bali, Indonesia
Project : Pilot Project Jetty
Completion Date : November 2014
Product Applied : Corroless EPF Black
Corroless EPF Buff

Case Study - Bridges
(Severn Bridge - UK)

Corrosion in vertical void spaces within the stanchions of the Severn Bridge could not be controlled using conventional techniques. To overcome the problem of rusting caused by rainwater seeping into the voids, the UK Department of Transport enlisted the expertise of Corroless International.
All excess water was removed and Corroless Corrosion Inhibitor Power introduced to protect the remote spaces. CCI 400 Wax was then applied using a rotary spraying lance for added corrosion protection, more CCI Power will be added.
Case Study - Bridges
(London Tower Bridge)

As part of a complete restoration programme, the world famous Tower Bridge in London required corrosion protection for structural steel girders and supports that form the underside of the bridge deck and foot way.
After manual preparation to ST2, Corroguard EP was applied for long lasting protection.
Corrosion in the vertical ciod spaces within the stanchions of the Severn Bridge could