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General Maintenance
Case Study - General Maintenance
(Limestone Treatment Works - UAE, Dubai)

The client's limestone treatment works was subject to severe corrosion due to its situation directly on the Gulf coastline.
Blast cleaning to Sa2½ standard of EN ISO 8501-1 1988.
The plant was primed with Corroless EPF, followed by an intermediate coat of Corroless RF35 (2006), and then a finish coat of Corroless RF65, to provide superior protection against abrasion and chemical attack.
During the application period all areas were washed down with fresh water prior to overcoating in order to eliminate salt crystals that were depositing on the surface to be coated.
Case Study - General Maintenance
(Fairground Equipment - UK, North Yorkshire)

Severe breakdown of existing coatings was evident on fairground rides. The client wanted long term protection without the need to blast clean the steel.
Lead-free products were also a requirement.
Surfaces were degreased and then hand prepared to St2 standard of EN ISO 8501-1:2007, washed with fresh water and allowed to dry.
A coat of Corroless S1 was followed by a coat of Corroless S2 as primers, with a topcoat of Corroless RF16 to complete the system.
Edges, welds, nuts and bolts were stripe coated before applying each full coat.