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Ways to Keep Your Assets Rust-free:
From Rust Stabilisers to Reinforced Finishes: Corroless' Secrets to Rust Prevention
The biggest enemies of the machinery industry are
perhaps rusting and corrosion. These occurrences
are definitely nightmares for the caretakers, especially
if it’s occurring on expensive equipment. Based on a
study by the National Association of Corrosion
Engineers (NACE), rusting costs the agriculture industry
up to 1.1 billion dollars every year.
The validity of these statistics
is based on an expectation that corrosion costs represent
5 to 10 percent of the value of new farming equipment.
This financial impact can really be costly for any business,
and if it occurs extensively, it might even lead to the
businesses having to start over due to extreme losses.
Fortunately, you can prevent rusting from occurring so easily with the right products. Here are several methods of rust prevention to keep your equipment looking (and working) as good as new:
Rust stabilisers
Rust stabilisers or rust stabilising primers are coating products used to prevent rusted objects from further corrosion. These primers incorporate an active pigment to work in stabilising the rust effectively. They can be applied directly onto the rusted surface to form a protective layer. In fact, the primer is easily applied onto clean, firmly adherent rust to provide longevity against further corrosion. If you were wondering about the effectiveness of these rust stabilisers in different environments, rest assured that they are adaptable to various external conditions.
Reinforced finishes
Our Corroless Reinforced Finishes consists of millions of heat-hardened borosilicate glass flakes that result in highly effective anti-corrosion protection. These reinforced borosilicate glass flakes are treated using a patented process, enabling them to coat and self-laminate into a virtually impermeable layer of glass. This additional layer of protection works wonders in saving your assets from rusting. The tough glass barrier formed there will definitely increase resistance against moisture, weathering, abrasion and chemicals. What’s even more amazing about Corroless Reinforced Finishes is that they can be incorporated into a comprehensive selection of resin bases to provide customisable protection to your assets in a variety of environments. These environments include piping, mechanical equipment, tanks, bridges, mechanical equipment, railings, marine and even industrial environments.
Vapour corrosion inhibitors
Vapour corrosion inhibitors (VCI) are substances that gradually release corrosion preventive compounds into a sealed air space to effectively protect exposed metal surfaces. These VCIs are usually the desired choice in situations where using rust preventative liquids or any other surface treatments are not ideal.
The gaseous vapour allows an easy transfer to protect any inaccessible areas such as beneath bolt-heads, between close-fitting components and into remote recesses and cavities. When these vapour corrosion inhibitors are placed in an enclosed atmosphere, they eliminate oxygen and moisture from the substrate. Next, when the vapour is in contact with the metal, a monomolecular film is formed on the surface, creating an ionically insulating barrier between the substrate and the environment. This monomolecular film is re-healing and self-replenishing as vapour is continuously released. Each system can be individually designed to meet the parameters of performance demanded by a specific application. Corroless' Rust-X is one of the options that can be provided for the rust prevention of your assets.
Corroless Asia Pacific is a one-stop center for all your anticorrosion needs. We’ll help you save and prolong your machinery and parts, keeping your assets looking new with longer shelf lives. Don't hesitate to contact us at if you would like to know more about our products and their benefits.