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RUST - X SMP VCI Technology

Rust-X USA patented technology of speedy moisture pasivation has helped automotive,aerospace,engineering and heavy metals industry a great deal.

SMP VCI acts within seconds and lasts upto 15 years. Previous industry standards of 6-8 hours of VCI action resulted in non de-activation of moisture and acceleration of corrosion when goods are packed.




Rust-X USA manufactures wide range of lubricants, washing solutions, rust removers, Packaging, knock down wooden pallets, VCI corrugated boxes, 8 colour printed films, desiccants, emitters and even corrosion engineers to the clients.

This enables customer perceive and rely on us for corrosion prevention and packaging needs ultimately providing a complete solution to the client.



Rust doctors

Rust-X USA has over 600+ products in its range. Our continuous R&D based on client needs has helped evolved this extensive range of products with the help of our site and laboratory rust doctors,

Technically qualifies rust doctors are 250+ in numbers across the globe and due care has been taken to train and develop their skills to propose right solutions and products.

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